Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Silbar Security Story


Founder and CEO relocates his company's national headquarters within Chesapeake

by Rob Lauer

Brandon Dean, CEO of Silbar Security

Brandon Dean, CEO of Silbar Security

When Brandon Dean was a 14 -year-old growing up in Arcadia, California, he joined the city's Police Explorers-a cadet program for youth. That move ignited a passion in him that ultimately led him to where he is today: the founder and CEO of Silbar Security-a fast-growing national franchise with its national headquarters in Chesapeake. Seated in Silbar's expansive new office complex with Kandice Dean (his wife and the company's executive vice president), Brandon contemplates his past and Silbar's bright, promising future.

The Police Explorer program that Brandon joined at age 14 was designed to prepare young men and women for future law enforcement careers through non-hazardous community service, thereby relieving police officers for other assignments. The teen was in his element and thrived during his six years in the program. "He even skipped going to his prom to do work," Kandice points out.
When Brandon was 20, his family decided that they wanted to get away from the overcrowding and sprawl of the Los Angeles area. "We had relatives in Virginia Beach, so we decided to change coasts and come here," Brandon says.

Once the family settled down in Hampton Roads, Brandon followed his passion, first into the security business for six years and then into police work itself.

"I joined the Norfolk Police Department in 1998," he recalls. "I worked on the force for 11 years, ending up in specialty units, from motorcycle unit to the K-9 unit, where I spent my last six years. But I was always drawn toward entrepreneurship and wanted the freedom that comes from working for oneself. That's how the idea for Silbar was born. I began developing a business model, but I didn't stop there. I was determined not to go down the same beaten path other security services had followed. I made a conscious effort to start a different kind of operation. With a police background, I could bring law enforcement technologies and equipment to the process."

"My passion for law enforcement has been in my blood
 for as long as I can remember...
 I have had so many mentors,
like my older brother,
who encouraged me
and helped me keep that passion alive."
                                                             -Brandon Dean

Brandon and Kandice Dean

Brandon and Kandice Dean

When asked where Brandon came up with the name for his company, he looks at Kandice, and they exchange amused smiles.

"Growing up with three brothers and a sister, we all had nicknames," Brandon explains. "My nickname was Silbar. ‘Hey, Silbar!' my brothers would say, teasing me. I never knew what it meant exactly. It was just something they called me. When it came time to pick a name for the company, Kandice recommended Silbar. So that's what we went with. Since then, I've had someone tell me ‘silbar' is the Spanish word for ‘to whistle.'"

Kandice laughs. "Really?" she asks. "If that's true, then it fits you perfectly. You go around whistling Christmas tunes all year long."
In January 2008, Brandon opened Silbar Security as a law-enforcement-based security service. Right out the gate, the company took off. Soon it demanded Brandon's full-time attention.
"I came to the point where I had to choose whether to continue working on the Norfolk Police force or devote everything to my business," he says. "I decided to take a risk: I would retire from the police department early and give my all to Silbar." Only one thing gave Brandon pause: in leaving the K9 unit, he didn't want to leave his beloved canine companion behind. "When I left the force, they let me take my dog with me," he says with a grin.

Silbar Security offers vehicle patrol, security officers, and event staffing services. Regarding security officers, Brandon is quick to point out," All of our officers are equipped with police-grade body cameras."

Silbar Security's initial success in Hampton Roads led Brandon to open an equally successful Richmond location due to customer demand. That inspired him to set his sights even higher.
"I wanted Silbar Security to be a nationwide business," he explains. "I've always been intrigued by how businesses could grow through franchising.

"I started the process by teaming up with a franchise consultant and attorney to develop our franchise business model," Brandon continues. "Franchise operations manuals, procedures, documents, and state registrations took several years to develop. There are a ton of legal requirements that have to be met before you can begin franchising security services."

"I was always drawn toward entrepreneurship
 and wanted the freedom
 that comes from working for oneself.
That's how the idea for
Silbar was born."
                                                        -Brandon Dean

Brandon Dean, CEO of Silbar Security, with one of many patrol cars on premise

Brandon Dean, CEO of Silbar Security, with one of many patrol cars on premise

"Franchising a security business is very different from franchising a food or retail chain," Kandice points out. "There are strict standards, different in each state, and the review process is extremely lengthy and concise. Given the nature of security services, it is a good thing."

"You are vetted thoroughly," Brandon says with a nod, "as you should be. We knew we would be changing people's lives by awarding them a franchise. We understood that they would be putting their faith in us and taking a major financial risk. We put in a tremendous amount of work so that we could give them a proven business model for success. That process took time. We began developing Silbar Franchise Group in 2014. Our first franchise location was in Phoenix, Arizona, and it didn't open until late 2016."

In less than six years, Silbar locations nationwide have grown to eight: Hampton Roads, Richmond, Northern Virginia, Boston, Orlando, Dallas, Colorado Springs, and Phoenix. A Las Vegas location will open shortly.

"With so much growth, we simply needed a larger office," Brandon says. "It was important to me to keep our national operations here in the Hampton Roads region. We love the City of Chesapeake, so we were determined to find a property here."

"With so much growth, we simply needed a larger office.
It was important to me to keep our national operations
 here in the Hampton Roads region.
We love the City of Chesapeake,
so we were determined to find a property here."
                                                           -Brandon Dean

Fortunately for Brandon and Kandice, The Shopper Publisher Jean Loxely-Barnard had just put a large office complex that she owned on the market. Located in Chesapeake, near the intersection of South Battlefield Boulevard and Kempsville Road, the 6,500 square-foot building provided Brandon with everything he needed to make his vision of a larger headquarters for Silbar a reality.
Renovations on the building began in January, with a number of staff members moving into their new offices within a matter of weeks. As work on the building's new layout continues and Brandon surveys the progress, he is unable to hide his enthusiasm, pride, and joy.

"Once these renovations are complete, this building will be our National Operations Command Center-tracking all of our officers nationwide," Brandon smiles. "This will be the nerve center for Silbar, processing all communications from across the country, using the latest in leading cutting-edge technology. Half of the building will be dedicated to our 24/7 dispatch center and franchise operations. We handle all phone calls nationwide. If our services are needed in Dallas, Orlando, Las Vegas, or anywhere, the calls come here to our headquarters in Chesapeake. This new building will make it easier for us to continuously improve the level and scale of our service."

The building will also house Silbar Academy-a national training center dedicated to providing in-depth, comprehensive training for new franchise owners across the entire United States.

Proud of Silbar's growth in recent years, Brandon is excited for what lies ahead. "I envision growing into a couple hundred franchises, with locations in every major metropolitan area nationwide," he says. "With our franchising model, I can see Silbar eventually becoming the largest security service, not only in the U.S. but worldwide."

" We handle all phone calls nationwide.
If our services are needed in Dallas,
Orlando, Las Vegas, or anywhere,
the calls come here
to our headquarters in Chesapeake."
                                                        -Brandon Dean

That's a big dream for the former teenager from Arcadia, California, but Brandon is optimistically determined to make his dream a reality.

"My passion for law enforcement has been in my blood for as long as I can remember," he concludes. "Looking back, I have had so many mentors, like my older brother, who encouraged and helped me keep that passion alive. Following it has paid off. I think that's why we keep growing. And I believe continuing to follow it will keep paying off."

Silbar Security

133 Kempsville Rd Suite 106
Chesapeake, VA 23320

(888) 580-0868