Monday, May 6th, 2024

C Children First by Becky Adams
Definition of Change


Young children search for predictability in their lives. They expect patterns such as breakfast on the kitchen table 20 minutes before having to head off and catch the yellow bus to school. It is the assigned seat on the bus so that they don't have to search down the aisle, passing the bully who frightens them or looking for a friendly face along the way. They expect their classroom desk to have the same items in it that were there when they left yesterday. They don't want to see a substitute teacher when they enter the classroom. They want their regular teacher to be there every day, even if they sometimes get frustrated with that teacher. Children just want to know what to expect. If pizza is always served on Tuesdays, it better be on the food line when they pass through the cafeteria. They won't be happy with indoor recess caused by inclement weather.

Children have an aversion to change. Let's face it honestly: they grow up to be adults who have an aversion to change.

Parents love to have predictability in their lives. They avoid the sick child who causes them to miss work on a critical business day, as well as the fender bender that puts their car out of commission for over a week.

The last two years have been a lesson in change. Where are you and your children on the "change meter" today? Children have adapted to virtual learning, in-person learning, and a hybrid of the two types. Parents who maintained their flexibility have given their children one of life's most important lessons. One of my favorite quotes from Charles Darwin is the following: "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent but the one most responsive to change."  

The sooner children learn to adapt to change, the sooner they will not expect life to always be predictable. They will not react to every small change in their everyday lives with anger and frustration. They will make the adjustments necessary to develop into a responsible adult
How can parents guide their children through this process? They can serve as the role models necessary for children in this world. In these particularly unsettling times, parents need to practice being even-tempered. They need to let their children know they will do their best to keep them safe and show their love to them every single day. So what is the definition of the word change? It may not be found in the dictionary with this particular explanation, but I think it is very simple: Change equals life.

Live life to its fullest!