Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

B Book Excerpts by Jean Loxley-Barnard
THE HOPE TRAP -- The Dream


The following is an excerpt from The Hope Trap, Jean Loxley-Barnard's forthcoming book.

Monday, July 20, wee small hours
I had a vivid dream tonight. Rob walked into the house, up the stairs, and down the hall to my bedroom door. He opened the door all the way and took a few steps into the room. He turned, facing me in the bed, slowly raised a gun and pointed it at me. I awoke with a start. It was so real it alarmed me. It was 4:40 a.m.

Tuesday, July 21, wee small hours
3:45 a.m., I was awakened suddenly by the sound of my phone ringing. It was Lee.

At 3:00 a.m., one of her dogs had awakened her. She got up, went to the bathroom, and could not get back to sleep. She felt danger. Lee described mentally surrounding her family with light, then her home and even her yard. Nothing there. She did the same with our dad, who was quite ill, and finally with me. That's where she felt the danger: around me!

Lee then had a wide-awake dream. She "saw" Rob come into my house, go up the stairs, down the hall, and into my bedroom. He took a few steps, turned toward me, and shot me with a handgun. Lee "felt" the bullet go into her stomach, through her and out her back.

Lee struggled with whether or not to call me for a half-hour. When she felt a lump in her throat, she picked up the phone, compelled to call me.

My sister and I have always been connected. I pay attention to her feelings, especially concerning me. Even if I had not before, I certainly would have paid attention since, while still awake, she had the very same dream I had just 24 hours earlier. The only differences were that I had been asleep, and she was awake and had experienced the rest of the dream that I had been too frightened to finish. It was astounding!

My sister and I have always been connected.
I pay attention to her feelings,
especially concerning me.

I put on my lights and looked throughout the house while Lee waited on the phone. I picked up the portable when I reached the family room and talked to her while I went around the house, putting on lights. I looked in every room, peered out into the night. I saw nothing.

"I'll drive to Eve's right now!" I told my sister.

"No!" she was most emphatic, ordering me to stay. "Don't go to your car without the police there."

The intensity of her commands startled me even more. I was paying very close attention. I was going to do exactly as she said. We talked until dawn. When the light came up, we felt safe enough to say good-bye and get a little more sleep, protected by the light.

Online Only Additional Excerpt

Kitty's mother invited me in to visit for a bit. We were all so relieved, believing the worst was over, that the hours slipped by. When the phone rang, we were startled to realize it was almost midnight. It was Rob, and Dorothy, believing he was drunk, hung up. We wondered if he had driven by, despite a court order to stay off her street.

I left for Eve's a bit shaken and glad I would be getting out of town the next day. I let myself into Eve's and slept, but awoke at dawn and decided to go by my home before leaving. When I went up the few stairs into my kitchen, there was a piece of paper lying on the rug.

It terrified me to know that Rob
had somehow managed
to get into my home yet again.
The note was also evidence
that he knew where I had been that night
Obviously, he had driven by
Kitty's family's home and seen my car.
That meant he had come in to my home
after midnight â€" with what intent?

The handwriting was Rob's, but it was different â€" scary! Handwriting does give a glimpse into a person, but I had not known it could show such rage! It certainly did, however, even before reading the words. "I hope you burn in Hell!" summed up his message. It terrified me to know that Rob had somehow managed to get into my home yet again. The note was also evidence that he knew where I had been that night. Obviously, Rob had driven by Kitty's family's home and seen my car. That meant he had come into my house after midnight â€" with what intent?

The dream I had a few days earlier of Rob coming into my home with a gun â€" the exact same dream that Lee had the following night â€" came to mind.

I felt the danger physically and hoped my presence at Lee's home would not put my sister's family in danger. I called her before leaving to ask if I should not go there.

"Matt and I actually discussed that possibility," Lee said directly. "You are to come here. Now."