Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024

G Gathering All Aboard the U.S.S. Wisconsin

All Aboard the U.S.S. Wisconsin

A party given by Stacy Zepp and Natalie East on the U.S.S Wisconsin was a big hit! Natalie was celebrating converting The Store for Stores into a strictly online commerce.

Friends with Natalie East and Scott Freeman

Wade and Lisa Sorrell

From Left - Jenn Worden, Carynn Day, Stacy Zepp, Natalie East

Peeking in the Porthole!

Paul and Virginia Merritt

James and Meghan Talbert

Terry Barnard with Natalie East

Melissa Jones, of Pitbull Tobacco, with Wade Sorrell

Jamila Clark, formerly with The Store for Stores

Carlos and Jordan Dosamentes

Natalie East with MarQuita Holloway, formerly with The Store for Stores

James and Meghan Talbert with Stacy Zepp