Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024

G Gathering 30th Annual Senior Support Services Seminar

30th Annual Senior Support Services Seminar

This two-day seminar, sponsored by the Chesapeake Sheriff's Office at the Chesapeake Conference Center, attracted 1,700 seniors. More than 65 vendors were featured, along with live entertainment, lunch, and over  200 door prizes. This seminar--the largest of its kind in Virginia- is offered to local seniors at no cost, thanks to the generosity of individuals and organizations from across the city.

The Victim/Witness Assistance Program information booth

Sheriff Jim O'Sullivan greets seminar attendees

Ladies from the Red Hat Society get the royal treatment

Vision screening in progress

Crime prevention was discussed

Sheriff Jim O'Sullivan with two of the musicians who performed at the seminar

Dave Rosado wowed Roland Davis with a magic trick

A citizen thanks the Sheriff

Vendor shares information with the seniors

Various vendor booths were on display to educate people on the resources available to them