Friday, April 26th, 2024

P Publisher’s Point by Jean Loxley-Barnard
Santa or Scrooge?


The difference between being a Santa or a Scrooge is more about generosity of spirit than it is about money. We focus on this dichotomy of human character at this time every year, but the behaviors of both Santa types and Scrooge types effect us every day of our lives, in relationships with our families, our circle of friends, our neighbors and co-workers, and, of course, with ourselves.

Which of us is saying, 'I'm the Scrooge type'? I think no one. But we all know Scrooges, don't we? So it's probably a good idea for each of us to look inside very carefully and examine our own tendencies to be one or the other. The important thing to remember is that few of us will ever be a 100% Santa or a 100% Scrooge. We mustn't let that fact lull us into believing that we are Santa just because we're not 100% Scrooge, or vice versa. Tendencies toward either type need to be nurtured, or nipped in the bud, as soon as we identify them. At the very least, we need to look within ourselves.

If only it could be as easy to see our own behavior as others do, or as we see them. But it is not easy to see our own behavior objectively. Are we afraid others won't love us if we dare to take an objective look at ourselves? We need to remember that they've already seen our unlovely selves. We aren't fooling anyone but ourselves.

Some of the souls I love most are often quite unlovely. But I forgive them as I believe He forgives me. Conversely, other souls that I hold most dear are those who care enough about me to reflect to me, albeit gently, my 'areas that can be improved' and love me yet.

The gifts that I give to those I love every day of the year need to be truth and forgiveness and generosity of spirit. How I wish for these gifts to be given to me, not only from my God, but from all of you whose paths and lives have touched mine. It is very hard for me to think I may have been or am now or ever will be Scrooge-like to any of you, but I'm willing to examine the possibility, and, if you believe I have been, I offer you my apology and my commitment to working on being a better self. I'll strive to be Santa. You too?

Jean Loxley-Barnard has been a writer all her life and studied both sociology and psychology at George Washington University where she earned a B.A. Her company, The Shopper, Inc., encompasses all the Loxley-Barnard family publications - The Shopper Magazines and Doctor to Doctor Magazine. She has been in the advertising, consulting and publishing business for 39 years.