Thursday, April 25th, 2024

W WebWorks by Terry Young
Your Site and Your Business - First Impressions Count


When it comes to taking a business onto the Internet,
every company has a different idea how their new site
is to look and function. Ultimately, a web site represents
your visitors 'first impression' of you, not just for now,
but for the life of your site.


One of the biggest considerations is, of course, the cost of having a site professionally developed and maintained, as opposed to going to 'friends-of-friends'.

When a company requires a web site that is purely informational, as opposed to one which will generate online sales (e-commerce), it seems that the site is treated almost as an afterthought, rather than a serious advertising source. 'If it won't make any money, why spend much on it?' is an argument I have heard more than once.

The answer is simple; if your site looks appealing and professional, and functions correctly under the many different computer 'scenarios', it can generate a great deal of income in the form of new clients.

With many development and design companies, charges can be upwards of $100 each time for even small changes.

Change just a few items a year, and thosands can go into your site costs. It has been these 'after-costs' that have caused companies to lapse on content updates.

Not updating your site regularly can have disastrous effects. If your site has out-of-date copyrights, and really old 'news,' prospective customers think you're probably out of business, and they'll go elsewhere.

Thanks to newer technologies, like our improved newly launched WebUpdate3 systems, companies can keep site content up to date, and save a great deal in update costs. Add to that First Page search engine results, and you really have a winning site.

When we launched the earlier WebUpdate2 system at the beginning of 2004, the response from businesses was staggering, with around 90% of potential clients seeing the advantages immediately, and choosing the more expensive WebUpdate2 sites over fixed-page static sites.
The clients who purchased these revolutionary sites had different reasons for choosing WebUpdate2, but they all agree it has made their lives much easier.

WebUpdate3 has even greater advantages, with improved FirstPage search coding, included Site Traffic Monitoring, and MailCenter, which can prevent unwanted spam.

'I was very interested in learning about the cutting edge technology of WebUpdate2. Our first site became outdated very quickly since our industry changes constantly.

Now, I can quickly keep up with those changes. Our new site had been active for only 4 weeks and the amount of inquiries was amazing! Even if you're a computer novice like me, this system is user-friendly and easy to manage. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting creative with my new site and highly recommend it to any company that wants to have the freedom and control to revamp their site whenever changes occur.'

- Ann Christie
Grand Affairs Catering

With WebUpdate2, Grand Affairs now have a site as large or as small as they like. Using their admin panel they can upload images and files, add, remove and edit text on the site, and add as much content as they want, from any computer connected to the internet, with no future charges.

Their new site also has an email list manager, so that they can email brides directly from the admin panel.

Terry Young is the founder and CEO of Internet Marketing and Design. Since 1997,
his computer programming and graphic design knowledge have kept his company
at the forefront of the latest technology in web development.